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NEWCLI [-Wnew_window] [-Sstart_script] [-Ccommand] [-N] [-Hhelpfile] [-E]

* NEWCLI without arguments starts a new ZShell process.
  Things like paths, aliases and history buffer (!) will be copied to
  the new ZShell. The input/output window is created with the default
  specification. The startup script will be S:ZStart.
* "NEWCLI -Wnew_window" is used for opening a window with different
  specifications than the default. If you specify just "-W",
  there will be no window and output will be send to NIL: ; if there
  is input necessary, the ZShell process will just end (for
  example at a end of a script).
* "NEWCLI -Sstart_script" is used if the name of the startup script
  should be different from S:ZStart. If you specify just "-S", no
  script will executed.
* "NEWCLI -Ccommand"  executes  the command when starting. No script
  will be executed.
* See  Start from CLI  for more information about the options.

eg.     newcli
        newcli -wcon:30/30/400/50/Shell
        newcli -wcon:50/20/500/100/Hello -ss:shell-startup
        newcli -sram:doassigns -w
        newcli "-wcon:30/30/400/50/Great Shell" "-cecho Welcome !"